Irrfan Khan’s wife Sutapa penned a heart-wrenching note, remembering the late actor and his last moments in the hospital on April 29, 2020. Expressing that she wanted him to go with fond memories, Sutapa wrote, “Last year tonight me and my friends sang songs for you, all your favorite songs. The nurses were looking at us strangely as they were used to religious chants in critical times but I had overdone that for you Irrfan, morning evening and night for two years and since they told me it was time I wanted you to go with memories you loved…so we sang songs….next day you left for the next station I hope you knew where to get down without me. The clock had stopped at 11.11 on 29th April for me.”
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Sutapa's heart-wrenching note for Irrfan
April 28, 2021
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